St. Andrew’s
Anglican Church

A New Anglican Church Plant - Frederick, MD

Formerly "Frederick Anglican Fellowship"

Jesus called out to the fishermen Peter and Andrew, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of people” (Matthew 4:19)

We believe Jesus is calling us similarly today…

We are people that FOLLOW  Jesus, are FORMED by Jesus, and invite others into the FAMILY of Jesus. 

St. Andrew’s Anglican Church is a new church plant in Frederick, Maryland. We are a mission of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic and the Anglican Church in North America.

Meeting Time and Location

St. Andrew’s meets for worship on the first Sunday of each month at 4:30pm at Centennial Memorial United Methodist Church in downtown Frederick. Our desire is to be a growing community where people of all ages and backgrounds can come to know God — the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit — and share God’s love with others in the Frederick area.

We are also beginning to gather informally on other Sundays for fellowship and Morning Prayer.

Latest Sermons


Midweek Bible Study

Join us Wednesdays, 4-6PM

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